The KBCCI Goldfields Business Awards 2021 were held on Saturday, 11 September 2021.
With more than 400 people in attendance for the 32nd year, the awards provide the opportunity to recognise and celebrate Kalgoorlie’s local business community and its contribution to the region’s economy.
Topdrill is always honoured to be a part of the conversation as leaders in our community, however, being recognised across so many sectors of local business was something we did not expect.
Topdrill was awarded three prestigious business awards including:
- Goldfield’s Business of the Year
- Business of the Year (20 + employees)
- Business Person of the Year – Tim Topham
Topdrill extends a huge congratulations to our entire team and in particular Tim Topham for the above award which is an outstanding recognition of Tim’s leadership and hard work.
Congratulations to all nominees and winners, as well as to KBCCI for putting on a spectacular evening.